Community Super App
Unleash the full potential for Your Community. Build your Communities and Projects on Ariton.

Communities that you love
Discover, join or create communities that you love. Ariton is a decentralized platform for building and managing communities.
Different communities have different needs, and Ariton is flexible and adopts to your individual needs.

Always accessible
Ariton runs on any device, from your desktop to your mobile phone. It also works offline, so you can always access your data. Guess what? It automatically syncs data between all your devices.

You Own Your Data
On Ariton, your identity and data is always in full control by yourself. Built on free and open standards, Ariton unleases the full potential of the web for you, where you are in control.

Super App
Ariton is a Super App. You can discover and add Mini Apps to your Ariton experience. From Chat, Notes, Tasks, Events, and more, you can customize your experience to fit your needs.
A community can tailor which Mini Apps are accessible for its members.

Pictures say more than a thousand words. Here are some screenshots from Ariton.

Mini Apps
We already got a good list of mini apps available within Ariton. New mini apps are added frequently, and in the future, you can make your own mini apps.
Some apps already available: Profile, Friends, Chat, Files, Notes, Tasks, Text, Apps, Player, Marketplace, Events.

Artificial Intelligence
AI will play an important role in Ariton, from helping users create content that is aligned with their communities and positive in tone, helping to build and curate great communities.
Ariton builds on the Web Neural Network API (WebNN), which is an open standard that allows models to run safely within the web browser. Ariton will utilize locally run SLMs (Small Language Models) that run on your device, keeping your privacy intact.

Badges, Verifications, Reputation
You can earn badges and verifications within Ariton. Badges are created by communities and given to the members that have achieved something.
Verifications are given by service providers that verify that you are who you say you are. These verification services can issue identity cards to users.
Reputations are important in the digital world, as a means to filter out noise and problematic actors. Within a community on Ariton, individuals will build up reputations connected to their identifiers.
Ariton demonstration
Watch the walkthrough video that shows how Ariton works.
Account restore demonstration
See how easy it is to restore your account and get all your data synced between your devices.

Ariton is under continuous development and new features and improvements is added daily.
PREVIEW RELEASE: Ariton is currently in preview (prototype) stage, and is not yet feature complete. There are plenty of bugs and features that does not work as expected.
Data will be deleted and reset frequently.
Community Host
As the host of a community, you can earn revenue by having members join your community.
We are working on the details...
Ariton is currently in preview release, and is free to test and use. We are working on a pricing model that will be fair and transparent.
Community Membership
$1/month (or higher)
Most of your payment to a community, goes to the host of the community. This ensures your host will do their best to make a good community for its members.
You can increase your storage capacity when you need it.
Entry (1 GB): Free
Basic (10 GB): $8/month
Standard (50 GB): $16/month
Premium (100 GB): $30/month
Got it? Ariton is in preview release
Things will break. Data will be lost. You've been warned.
Data will be deleted and reset frequently.